Tag Archives: Jesse

The Fey (Alex the Fey Thriller Series)

23 Aug


I just finished reading The Fey, which is the first book in a series of four by Claudia Hall Christian. This is another book I downloaded for free for my Kindle through Amazon. I’m finding all these freebies from a web site I “liked” on Facebook called ereaderlove. Like them and check them out at http://www.ereaderlove.com. They post at least 40 books a day, and I’ve seen more than 80 posted many days.

Anyway, on to my actual review. This was a pretty good book. There were some annoying typos, but nothing that I couldn’t see past. I noticed them, corrected it in my head, and moved on. You can still get the story, and there weren’t that many of them. I’d say it was a half-done editing job. There were areas where the sentence would have an extra word, such as “she Alex said” etc. Where one or the other should have been deleted but wasn’t.

The actual story is a good one. Alex “The Fey” (fey means fairy if you didn’t know), is one bad-ass girl! She’s the only female Green Beret on an elite team that goes into other countries and frees people who have been held hostage. The book starts out where her and her team are ambushed and she’s the only survivor. She has a bullet wound to her hip and several other life-threatening injuries, but somehow she manages to make it through. She goes into a deep depression, losing her whole team, her identity, and the job she loves. Somehow she manages to still kick a lot of butt when this crazy guy Elizar is after her. She finds out some crazy things along the way that make her doubt everything she has known, her husband isn’t who he said he was, he father isn’t her real father, the only person that she really knows is her twin brother Max. She also has her best friend Jesse, who was killed in the ambush, who she continues to see as a ghost who helps her out of a bind or two.

The Fey is a good mix of action, romance, paranormal, and thriller. I’m contemplating reading the other three books, which are currently priced at $4.99 on Amazon. But for now I have plenty of other freebies to pick from. Now if only I could decide what I want to read!